Colostrum for Gut Health and Immune Support

If you’ve been around the gut health realm for any period of time, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the benefits of colostrum. I use personally to aid and enhance my gut and to support my immune system. Let’s chat a little more about what it is and why it’s beneficial!

What is colostrum, and why is it helpful?

Colostrum is the substance expressed from a mother’s breast for the first 3 or so days after birth, and is the first food of all newborn mammals. It is a rich source of immunoglobulins (25-30%), lactoferrin (1.5%), growth factors (1.5%), polypeptides (3.5-5%), antibodies, macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and more, all of which helps the infant establish a healthy GI tract right from the start.

  • Immunoglobulins: Proteins used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign compounds.

  • Lactoferrin: A protein that plays a crucial role in immune health. It also acts as an antioxidant to help fight against environmental insults and invaders, and has prebiotic properties that help support the development of a diverse microbiome.

  • Growth Factors: Proteins that encourage the growth of the body’s systems and facilitate muscle development, including the gut lining. In infants, these growth factors pass right through the gut wall in-tact and support both the strength of the gut lining as well as musculoskeletal development. In adults, these growth factors are broken down during digestion, so they do not provide the same growth stimulation benefits that they do in infants. Instead, the broken-down growth factors are absorbed and contribute to the strength of the gut wall in this way.

  • Polypeptides: Polypeptides (especially proline-rich polypeptides, or PRP’s) are immune system regulators that encourage white blood cell growth and encourage balance in cellular immune functions. They may also defend against oxidative stress and support brain health.

  • Antibodies: Antibodies are proteins that the immune system uses to fight against foreign threats. In general, it is considered better to have a high number of natural antibodies to support optimal health. Bovine colostrum contains a high amount of IgM, IgA, and IgG antibodies, all of which can help fight infection.


Colostrum is such a nutrient rich substance that it is sometimes referred to as “liquid gold!” After the first few days, colostrum production drops off and is replaced by true milk. However, this doesn’t mean that we can never again have access to the benefits provided by colostrum.

In fact, colostrum is not species specific, and bovine colostrum (from cows) has been used to support humans in many different ways over the years. Female cows produce a significant amount of colostrum in excess of what is needed for their calf. This excess can then be used by humans with the same benefits as human colostrum.

Colostrum for Gut Health and Immune Support


One of the primary benefits of colostrum consumption is the prevention and repair of intestinal permeability, also known as leaky gut. Colostrum helps to maintain the tight junctions between the cells of the gut lining, which can be a factor in stopping the progression of autoimmune disease, as well as alleviating food sensitivities.


It also helps promote a healthy, diverse microbiome to support and maintain these tight junctions (remember, lactoferrin has prebiotic properties, which feeds and nourishes the probiotics in our gut). It has been said that upwards of 70% of our immune system is located right around our gut, and as such, the state of our gut influences the state of our immune system.


Furthermore, additional immune-supportive effects of colostrum can be attributed to the high concentration of lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, and antibodies, which are all critical players in our body’s immune response. Last but not least, colostrum also contains cytokines, which help keep communication online between immune cells.


How can I use it?


Colostrum supplements come in many forms, but powder and capsules are most common. Capsules are pre-measured which makes them convenient, but powder offers greater flexibility with the dose, and is especially helpful if you are looking to take a larger amount. Powder also tends to be easier for kids to consume. One additional benefit of using powdered colostrum is that the oral microbiome also benefits when you drink it!


It is generally recommended to take colostrum on an empty stomach to maximize the benefits. If using powder, mix with cool or room temperature water, not hot.

As an RD, when do I recommend colostrum?


Three of the primary reasons that I would recommend that a client add colostrum into their daily routine are known leaky gut, either confirmed with zonulin testing or based on symptoms, prevalence of food sensitivities, or active autoimmune disease.


Honestly, I think that everyone could benefit from adding colostrum into their daily life, but when we’re looking at focusing on gut health specifically, it can be a tremendous asset to prioritize!


My most recommended brand is Sovereign Laboratories, and I use their unflavored Colostrum-LD powder daily to keep my own gut in tip top shape.

Why Sovereign Laboratories brand? What sets them apart?


To start with, quality! All raw colostrum supplied to Sovereign Laboratories is tested to confirm that it is from the first milking of pasture raised cows and is free of antibiotics, hormones, and herbicides. Because colostrum is as crucial for newborn calves as it is for newborn humans, Sovereign Labs always makes sure that the calf gets what it needs in order to grow and thrive before gathering any for Colostrum-LD. There’s plenty to go around though, as the mothers produce upwards of 2 gallons of colostrum!


Secondly, efficacy. Sovereign Labs utilizes liposomal delivery in their products, which means that the nutrients from colostrum are encased in a liposome (a spherical structure of lipids). This protects the nutrients from the harsh environment of stomach acid and helps the body recognize them as beneficial. The digestive system naturally absorbs the liposome into the bloodstream, where it is broken down into its individual components, allowing the nutrients to flow through the body.


If you’d like to give colostrum a try, you can find it on Amazon, HERE, or on their WEBSITE. I’d love to hear about your experiences with colostrum use in the comments!


NOTE: This blog post was sponsored by Sovereign Laboratories, a brand that I have been using and recommending for years. Sponsored content allows me to continue to provide free resources while also featuring brands that I love and trust!

Stone Fruit Salad with Honey EVOO Vinaigrette

If there’s one oil that basically every dietary camp can agree is beneficial, it would probably be olive oil. It’s been valued for centuries, and a good quality bottle will come packed with polyphenols that are not only anti-inflammatory but also good for the microbiome.


Benefits of olive oil:

A staple of the Mediterranean Diet, olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats. These fats are more stable that the polyunsaturated fats that make up most seed oils, such as safflower and sunflower, but not quite as heat tolerant as saturated fats like tallow or butter. As such, olive oil is best suited to cold applications or light cooking (such as a quick stir fry in a skillet) as opposed to an extended high heat roast. The polyphenols that are present in olive oil are not only responsible for many of the associated health benefits, they also help protect against heat damage and oxidation.

Two of the primary health benefits associated with regular consumption of olive oil include cardiovascular health and improvement in lipid profile. In fact, just 2 tbsp per day of olive oil has been shown to have a notable positive impact on the lipoprotein spectrum. (source) Furthermore, the polyphenols present in olive oil can also help prevent against oxidation of cholesterol within the body, as well as support endothelial health (which in turn creates a healthy vascular response). (source)

Last but not least, polyphenols are a known source of food for our microbiome; in other words, they help to nourish the bacteria in our digestive tract that keep our digestion strong and immune system working well! (source)

How should a good olive oil taste?

I could basically lick a good quality olive oil straight off the spoon, and I have, many times! A top notch olive oil will taste bright, green, earthy, and have a bitter, peppery kick on the back of your tongue from the polyphenols.


But not all olive oils are created equal. In fact, investigations have shown that often times products labeled as olive oil are cut / diluted with cheaper oils to reduce overhead costs. Aka, you’re not actually getting what you think you are in that bottle!! Not only are you not getting the quality that you think you’re paying for, you might actually be putting old, rancid, toxin-laden, highly processed vegetable oil in your body instead. Yikes!

How to pick a good olive oil:

As with anything, the best way to know that you’re getting a good quality product is to know the producer. If that’s not possible, then these are some of the things that you’ll want to look for:

  • Extra virgin (as opposed to virgin, or light; these lack most of the beneficial polyphenols and may use heat processing)

  • Heat / light / air protected (dark bottle, tightly sealed)

  • Peppery kick (a sign of the polyphenols)

  • Harvest date (the fresher the better)

  • A third party certification (such as the European Union's Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Italy's DOP, or the "COOC Certified Extra Virgin" seal from the California Olive Oil Council for California-made oils)

Enter: Life Extension’s unfiltered, cold-pressed California Estate Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil!

Life Extension’s Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil comes from USDA-certified, organic olives hand-picked at the peak of ripeness and milled within hours of harvest. It has a concentration of over 800 mg/kg of naturally occurring olive polyphenols, which is around three times the amount of polyphenols in most other olive oils. It’s evident by the strong peppery kick that you taste when you consume it! In my opinion, this olive oil definitely fits into the “functional food” or “supplement” category, and I aim to have 1-2 tbsp every day.


How to consume it:

Drizzled over roasted veggies or scrambled eggs, used in a salad dressing, as a dip for bread, made into ice cream, or straight from a spoon, the possibilities are endless!!

Today I’m sharing my go-to summer salad recipe that incorporates all of the health benefits of Life Extension’s Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil: Stone Fruit Salad with Honey EVOO Vinaigrette!


Stone Fruit Salad with Honey EVOO Vinaigrette

Serves: 4

Time: 10 minutes


  • Greens of choice (I used a baby lettuce blend), about 6 cups

  • Stone fruit of choice (I used a mix of peach, plum, nectarine, apricot, and cherries), about 3 cups

  • 8oz mozzarella balls

  • 1/2 cup pistachios, shelled

  • 1/3 cup Life Extension’s Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 1/3 cup white balsamic vinegar

  • 2-3 tbsp honey, to taste

  • 1 tsp dijon mustard

  • 1/4 tsp salt

  • Garnish: fresh pepper, fresh mint


  1. Pit and slice the stone fruit, cutting larger fruit into thin slices and smaller fruit like cherries in half.

  2. In a small bowl, add the olive oil, vinegar, honey, dijon, and salt. Whisk to combine.

  3. Assemble the salad: place the greens in a large serving bowl and distribute the fruit over the top. Add the mozzarella balls and pistachios, then dress with the honey evoo vinaigrette. Garnish and serve immediately.

NOTE: Add a protein to make this dish into a more hearty meal! I used the Life Extension Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil to pan sear a salmon steak and it was a perfect summer dish!

If you’d like to try out Life Extension’s Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil for yourself, you can save $5 on any order over $50, plus get free shipping with the code TRACEY5 through October 1, 2021! Head to their website to take advantage!

DISCLOSURE: Thank you to Life Extension for sending me a bottle of their organic extra virgin olive oil to try out and for sponsoring this post!

EMF 101 + How I Protect Myself

We are electrical beings. It is undeniable that our cells use charge differentiation and electricity for a variety of different processes, such as to send signals through the nervous system that allow us to think and move. Acknowledging this was the first step for me in starting to consider the impact that all of the electronics that we use daily, constant wifi exposure, and proximity to cell towers might be having on my health.


This concept can get complex fast, so let’s keep it simple.


What is electromagnetic radiation (EMR)?

Also frequently referred to as EMF (electromagnetic field), EMR is the “low level” of radiation that is emitted by electrical equipment and electronic devices. Devices that transmit data generally emit more. It used to be thought that only high levels of ionizing radiation, like x-rays, caused damage, but we now see that long-term exposure to low levels of non-ionizing radiation can also be harmful. This is the type that we are currently exposed to day in and day out.


Why should I care about EMR?

EMR has a notable negative effect on our cells and biology by compromising mitochondrial function, damaging DNA, and interrupting voltage gated calcium channels. As a result, we see that consistent exposure to EMR is correlated with an increased risk of cancer as well as fertility issues. Other common symptoms include headaches, dizziness, fatigue, sleep interference, brain fog, skin issues, heart palpitations, and general malaise. I recommend the book Radiation Nation as a great starting point to dive into these concepts more deeply, as well as for a collection of studies and references!


What are the sources of EMR?

Some of the top sources of EMR in the home include microwaves, cell phones, tablets and other wireless devices, wifi routers, laptops, Bluetooth headphones, smart home devices, and even baby monitors! Outside of the home the highest sources include cell towers, high tension power lines, and 5G cells.


How can I protect myself from EMR?

The most important thing to remember is that distance is your friend. Keep your devices away from you when you’re not using them. Know where the top emitting devices in your house are (smart meter, microwave, wifi router, etc) and minimize the amount of time you spend near them. I purchased a simple EMF meter on Amazon (I’d like to upgrade to this one) and used it to gauge the different devices in my house; my microwave was emitting high levels even when not in use, so we took it out altogether! If you have a smart meter, you might consider something like a faraday cage that blocks the emission of EMR. You can also find EMF blocking paint / fabric that can be used on the interior walls to help block transmission! Last but not least, wifi routers are a big source, so if you can hardwire your internet, that’s a great option.


Don’t forget to consider the area around your home as well; is there a cell tower nearby? Do you see 5G pillars around? What about high-tension power lines? These were break-it items for me in our recent house search. What about your neighbors? Do you live in an apartment complex? Could there be a wifi router on the other side of your bedroom wall, or perhaps one in every direction? The cumulative exposure can add up quickly in today’s world!


The reality is though, sometimes distance and avoidance are not feasible. Most of us work on computers and use cell phones, and using the internet is a way of life these days. I make a point to use air tube headphones or speaker when talking on a call, but I still need to be in proximity to my phone most of the time for my job.


This necessitates a transition from the concept of EMR avoidance to the one of transformation and coherence. Last year I started learning about products that can help to create a coherent field around the body to counteract the negative effect of EMR. While I still employ all of the avoidance strategies above whenever possible, I feel a lot better about using my phone and laptop for work every day knowing that there is something I can use to help mitigate my exposure!


One of these products is the Lifetune Device from Aires Tech. Before I go on, I don’t want to forget to mention that they are currently running a 20% off sale from May 24th-29th 2021!


I have been using Aires Tech products for over a year now, but their improved Lifetune line has been upgraded with 5G specifically in mind. The EMR Modulation Technology that they use is designed to reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation emitted by data-transmitting electronics, such as cell phone, cordless phones, wireless earpieces, wireless headsets, computers, laptops, monitors, smart TVs, baby monitors, Wi-Fi routers and more!


You can find all of the nitty gritty details on how it works under the Technology tab on their website. It’s pretty complex, but if I could sum it up into one sentence: it is an innovative technology that restructures and transforms electromagnetic field “haze” into a more biologically-compatible form. (Their own words.)


Aires Tech has spent over 20 million dollars on research and development, focusing primarily on creating products that WORK before bringing them to market. While financial investment alone is no indication of quality, they also back up their products with third party testing, peer reviewed scientific research, and multiple patents (11 existing and 14 on the way!).


So how do we know it works?

Unlike an EMF blocking device that can be assessed using an EMF meter, the EMF meter reading will not change in the presence of a Lifetune device. This is because the EMR is still present, but it is no longer able to interact with the body in the same way. As such, I am not able to objectively confirm that the device works as described, as the impact is all subjective (things like reduced anxiety, better sleep, less brain fog, etc). However, the extent that the company has gone to confirm their technology through validated scientific research and third party testing does give me a lot of confidence, as does the experience of others who I trust!


There are several different products available. The Lifetune Personal has an effective range of 50 square feet; I keep this in my wallet. The Lifetune Device has an effective range of 5 square feet; I keep this on my phone. They also offer the Lifetune Room, which covers 500 square feet, as well as the Lifetune Pet!


In my opinion, this approach to EMR mitigation is much more practical because it essentially creates a coherent zone that moves with you, rather than having to constantly consider if you are “shielded” from EMR exposure in your everyday life. As I mentioned above, all products are currently on sale for 20% off through May 29th, 2021.


A few closing thoughts:

I’m not an expert on this topic, and am still actively learning as I go. This whole topic was super overwhelming to me when I first started learning about it, and I had to bite it off in chunks. If I knew then what I know now, I would have started with a Lifetune Device on my phone and a Lifetune Personal in my office. I truly believe that these devices make a difference in EMR exposure, and in a culture where we are bombarded 24/7/365, a small investment like this is 100% worth it to me. Beyond that, being mindful of maintaining distance is really the best thing you can do!


Last but not least, this post was sponsored by Aires Tech, the maker of the Lifetune line. They sent me a few different products to try out, and upon discovering how much I liked them and looking into their technology and research, I agreed to help them spread the word! Thank you for reading!


My Mold Detox Protocol

Having been through home mold remediation twice (for that story, see this blog post), it came as no surprise to me that I had mold toxicity in my body that needed cleaning up as well. This was a process that I worked on from August 2019 through March 2021, but I made more progress in the final 4 months than in the rest of the time combined. I had a few different mycotoxins that varied throughout this time, but Ochratoxin A was the primary one that I was tracking, and that I was having difficulty bringing down to the goal of < 7.5.


My Mold Detox Protocol

Infrared sauna 3+ times per week was a key part. Sweating helps to excrete toxins from the body.

Here are my numbers:

August 2019: Ochratoxin A = 18

February 2020: Ochratoxin A = 14

May 2020: Ochratoxin A = 13 (this was after taking Rx cholestyramine as a binder…virtually no progress)

November 2020: Ochratoxin A = 33 (discouraged to see this more than double!!)

March 2021: Ochratoxin A = <7.5 (hooray!)

All of these numbers are reported from The Great Plains Laboratory MycoTOX Profile and were collected after a week-long preparation of consuming 350-500mg glutathione daily and without taking any binders. The purpose of this prep is to help mobilize the mycotoxins out of the tissues so that they are excreted in the urine (the test is a urine collection test). There are differing opinions on this “provoking” strategy, but it is what I have found to be best in my own personal experience and with my clients. This test is not available through most normal docs, but I do run it for my clients. It is around $350.

In addition to tracking my progress using the Great Plains profile, I also tracked it using the Complement C4a lab test, which my naturopath uses to track mold. It did correlate with my MycoTOX results. This lab is available at a normal lab draw and is generally covered by insurance for around $10-$25, depending on your plan.

Here are the lifestyle things that I did to support detox:

  • Sauna / sweating at least 3 days per week (I invested in a Therasage portable home sauna), wholedailylife for 10% off)

  • Daily movement (walking, lifting, etc)

  • Hydration, including electrolytes (I use Seeking Health and have heard great things about LMNT)

  • Rebounding daily (I use a Bellicon rebounder now, but anything with bounce will do!)

  • Dry brushing (linked in the Body section here)

  • Coffee enemas 3 days per week (supplies are in the Wellness section here)

  • Castor packs most nights (supplies are in the Wellness section here)

  • Daily BM’s

  • Hyperbaric oxygen chamber for 1 hour twice per month

  • Neti pot daily


My Mold Detox Protocol

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy was a new addition in the last few months. It helps to saturate the tissues with oxygen to combat pathogens and support detox.

Here are the different supplements that I used:

I have many of these products linked in my Fullscript account under my Mold Favorites list! You can sign up for a free Fullscript account here to see them. I will not be providing specific dosages because they were tailored to me specifically. I recommend that you work with a qualified practitioner to find your optimal dosages if needed!

  • Zeolite (binder)

  • NAC (detox support)

  • Glutathione (detox support)

  • Milk thistle (detox support)

  • Olive leaf extract

  • Chlorella (binder)

  • Quinton Isotonic (PM) + Quinton Hypertonic (AM)

  • Mixed binders (Such as Detox Formula or Ultra Binder from Quicksilver)

  • Cellcore products: (these are only available with a practitioner access code; email me at wholedailylife at gmail dot com if you’d like access!)

    • Drainage / lymphatic support: KL Support, Lymphactiv

    • Binders: VRadChem, Carboxy, HMET

    • General: MitoATP, CT Minerals, Hydroxygen, Tudca, CT Spore

In particular, I made a point to take a detox supporting supplement (like glutathione or NAC) followed by a binder about an hour later. I did this twice daily. The purpose of this is to stimulate the release of mycotoxins from the tissues and then bind up those mycotoxins to get them out of the body.

A note on diet:

Many people recommend a particular diet during mold detox, including minimizing fruit, aged cheese, mushrooms, and added sugar. While I did minimize my processed food consumption, I did not avoid fruit, cheese, mushrooms, or raw honey. There are a few foods I did intentionally include:

  • Wild organic frozen blueberries

  • Fresh cilantro

  • Green tea (matcha, specifically); I use both Pique and Encha brands

  • Pau’d’Arco, Chamomile, and Holy Basil tea as desired (Traditional Medicinals brand)

  • Pomegranate juice

Coincidentally, I was also undergoing a dietary shift starting in January 2021, at the same time as the last phase of my mold detox protocol. This included increasing my consumption of fruits, including organ meats and oysters weekly, adding raw dairy back into my diet, and increasing my calories overall. I believe that these changes helped fuel my body through the detoxification process.

Some of your FAQ’s:

What were my symptoms?

Thankfully I haven’t ever had any major mold symptoms, other than a flare up of my Hashimoto’s antibodies and some brain fog (which could also be related to the Hashi flare). However, knowing that I had a history of mold exposure growing up, I wanted to evaluate my mycotoxin load anyway. Once I saw the numbers, detox was non-negotiable because mycotoxins in the body can lead to significant long term health concerns. Other common symptoms of mold exposure include:

  1. Fatigue and Weakness

  2. Unexplained Muscle Cramping, Aches and Pains in the Joints, Persistent Nerve Pain

  3. Numbness and Tingling

  4. Eye Problems like Red Eyes or Light Sensitivity

  5. Asthma and Sinus Problems like Cough or Shortness of Breath

  6. Tremors and Vertigo

  7. Digestive Issues like Change in Appetite, Diarrhea, Nausea, Abdominal Pain

  8. Metallic Taste in the Mouth

  9. Temperature Regulation or Night Sweats

  10. Excessive Thirst and Increased Urination


Why did your numbers go up at one point?

I see two possibilities. One was that I had an acute exposure. While this isn’t super likely because I was spending most of my time at home, it’s still possible. The other, and probably more likely, possibility is that my body was more actively moving mycotoxins out of my tissues at this point. Since the MycoTOX test is a urine test, it only analyzes metabolites that have been excreted. If the toxins are stuck in the tissues and aren’t moved out of the body, they don’t show up on the test. I think it’s possible that all of the detox and groundwork that I had done the year prior was finally allowing toxins to more effectively detox out.

What do you think made the biggest difference in the last 3 months?

I made three big changes:

  1. Added in hyperbaric oxygen therapy. HBOT is time spent in a pressurized chamber while breathing in pure oxygen. This process helps to drive oxygen deep into the tissues where it can target things that don’t belong there. I first heard about it in context of wound healing, and then learned about all of the other benefits, including detox support. I did this twice per month starting in January.

  2. Got very strategic about the timing of my supplements. Previously I wasn’t very concerned about taking a detox support supplements (glutathione, NAC, etc) followed by a binder about an hour later, but this simple shift in intentionality seems to have made an impact! I had all of my supplements lined up on the counter every day and used timers and checklists as reminders when needed.

  3. CellCore. I truly think that this one made a huge difference. I had been using a few of their products before and had seen great results on their parasite protocol earlier in the year. After seeing my numbers jump up in November 2020, I decided to implement the CellCore mold protocol with my own additions and adaptations. In particular, I believe that the Carboxy and CT Spore were integral in binding up the mycotoxins and the Lymphactiv and the KL Support were crucial in helping my body process them out!

This was obviously quite a comprehensive protocol that evolved over time. I used some of these things consistently and some of them intermittently, but everything here has a purpose!

I hope this is helpful, and happy detoxing!
