Colostrum for Gut Health and Immune Support

If you’ve been around the gut health realm for any period of time, you’ve undoubtedly heard about the benefits of colostrum. I use personally to aid and enhance my gut and to support my immune system. Let’s chat a little more about what it is and why it’s beneficial!

What is colostrum, and why is it helpful?

Colostrum is the substance expressed from a mother’s breast for the first 3 or so days after birth, and is the first food of all newborn mammals. It is a rich source of immunoglobulins (25-30%), lactoferrin (1.5%), growth factors (1.5%), polypeptides (3.5-5%), antibodies, macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, and more, all of which helps the infant establish a healthy GI tract right from the start.

  • Immunoglobulins: Proteins used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign compounds.

  • Lactoferrin: A protein that plays a crucial role in immune health. It also acts as an antioxidant to help fight against environmental insults and invaders, and has prebiotic properties that help support the development of a diverse microbiome.

  • Growth Factors: Proteins that encourage the growth of the body’s systems and facilitate muscle development, including the gut lining. In infants, these growth factors pass right through the gut wall in-tact and support both the strength of the gut lining as well as musculoskeletal development. In adults, these growth factors are broken down during digestion, so they do not provide the same growth stimulation benefits that they do in infants. Instead, the broken-down growth factors are absorbed and contribute to the strength of the gut wall in this way.

  • Polypeptides: Polypeptides (especially proline-rich polypeptides, or PRP’s) are immune system regulators that encourage white blood cell growth and encourage balance in cellular immune functions. They may also defend against oxidative stress and support brain health.

  • Antibodies: Antibodies are proteins that the immune system uses to fight against foreign threats. In general, it is considered better to have a high number of natural antibodies to support optimal health. Bovine colostrum contains a high amount of IgM, IgA, and IgG antibodies, all of which can help fight infection.


Colostrum is such a nutrient rich substance that it is sometimes referred to as “liquid gold!” After the first few days, colostrum production drops off and is replaced by true milk. However, this doesn’t mean that we can never again have access to the benefits provided by colostrum.

In fact, colostrum is not species specific, and bovine colostrum (from cows) has been used to support humans in many different ways over the years. Female cows produce a significant amount of colostrum in excess of what is needed for their calf. This excess can then be used by humans with the same benefits as human colostrum.

Colostrum for Gut Health and Immune Support


One of the primary benefits of colostrum consumption is the prevention and repair of intestinal permeability, also known as leaky gut. Colostrum helps to maintain the tight junctions between the cells of the gut lining, which can be a factor in stopping the progression of autoimmune disease, as well as alleviating food sensitivities.


It also helps promote a healthy, diverse microbiome to support and maintain these tight junctions (remember, lactoferrin has prebiotic properties, which feeds and nourishes the probiotics in our gut). It has been said that upwards of 70% of our immune system is located right around our gut, and as such, the state of our gut influences the state of our immune system.


Furthermore, additional immune-supportive effects of colostrum can be attributed to the high concentration of lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, and antibodies, which are all critical players in our body’s immune response. Last but not least, colostrum also contains cytokines, which help keep communication online between immune cells.


How can I use it?


Colostrum supplements come in many forms, but powder and capsules are most common. Capsules are pre-measured which makes them convenient, but powder offers greater flexibility with the dose, and is especially helpful if you are looking to take a larger amount. Powder also tends to be easier for kids to consume. One additional benefit of using powdered colostrum is that the oral microbiome also benefits when you drink it!


It is generally recommended to take colostrum on an empty stomach to maximize the benefits. If using powder, mix with cool or room temperature water, not hot.

As an RD, when do I recommend colostrum?


Three of the primary reasons that I would recommend that a client add colostrum into their daily routine are known leaky gut, either confirmed with zonulin testing or based on symptoms, prevalence of food sensitivities, or active autoimmune disease.


Honestly, I think that everyone could benefit from adding colostrum into their daily life, but when we’re looking at focusing on gut health specifically, it can be a tremendous asset to prioritize!


My most recommended brand is Sovereign Laboratories, and I use their unflavored Colostrum-LD powder daily to keep my own gut in tip top shape.

Why Sovereign Laboratories brand? What sets them apart?


To start with, quality! All raw colostrum supplied to Sovereign Laboratories is tested to confirm that it is from the first milking of pasture raised cows and is free of antibiotics, hormones, and herbicides. Because colostrum is as crucial for newborn calves as it is for newborn humans, Sovereign Labs always makes sure that the calf gets what it needs in order to grow and thrive before gathering any for Colostrum-LD. There’s plenty to go around though, as the mothers produce upwards of 2 gallons of colostrum!


Secondly, efficacy. Sovereign Labs utilizes liposomal delivery in their products, which means that the nutrients from colostrum are encased in a liposome (a spherical structure of lipids). This protects the nutrients from the harsh environment of stomach acid and helps the body recognize them as beneficial. The digestive system naturally absorbs the liposome into the bloodstream, where it is broken down into its individual components, allowing the nutrients to flow through the body.


If you’d like to give colostrum a try, you can find it on Amazon, HERE, or on their WEBSITE. I’d love to hear about your experiences with colostrum use in the comments!


NOTE: This blog post was sponsored by Sovereign Laboratories, a brand that I have been using and recommending for years. Sponsored content allows me to continue to provide free resources while also featuring brands that I love and trust!