The 2019 Whole Daily Life Holiday Gift Guide

I’ve always wanted to put together one of these gift guides, but have never really had the time to do it!

I’ll cut strait to the good stuff. These are some of my most loved products of 2019 that I think almost anyone would enjoy!

2019 Whole Daily Life Holiday Gift Guide

For the health conscious:

-Infrared Jade and Tourmaline Heating Pad- Avoids the concern of EMF emitted by traditional heating pads, with the bonus of more penetrating heat and the generation of negative ions. I like to use this with my castor packs!

-Berkey Water Purification System- Access to truly clean water can be a major health upgrade, and our Berkey has been one of our best investments! Be sure to get the fluoride filters too!

-Clearly Filtered Water Purification Pitcher- Sometimes the jump to a Berkey can be a big one, and Clearly Filtered offers equally superior quality of filtration with a more approachable price point. Save 10% on your first purchase with code wholedailylife through 12/15!

-Sun Genomics Customized Probiotics (based on a stool test!)- This is the first company that I have come across that is using stool testing to create custom formulated probiotics based on what YOUR body needs. Use code wholedailylife for $25 off anytime, but through the end of November, save 50% with the code BF50!!

-Beekeepers Naturals Propolis throat spray- This is a convenient (and delicious) way to support overall wellness this season! Propolis is a natural antibacterial and antiviral, and it tastes great! 30% off site-wide on Black Friday, no code needed, otherwise wholedailylife15 gets you 15% off anytime.

-Deep Nutrition- One of the most influential nutrition books I have read recently. It’s packed with information and not for the faint of heart, but it will change the way you think about food forever!

-Go Pure Pod Portable Water Purifier- This is a carbon based water purifier in a compact little capsule. It lasts 6 months and is a perfect way to ensure clean water while traveling. I also keep one in my water bottle year round because it keeps the bottle from getting funky between washes!

-Gua Sha Stone- Gua Sha is an amazing technique to help tone the skin and move lymph in the face. It’s a great evening routine and feels amazing! This is the stone that I use.

-Defender Shield Laptop Pad- We are just starting to learn about how detrimental EMF exposure can be to our health, and we live in a world where it is constant! I make a point to place my laptop on an EMF blocking pad to prevent exposure as much as possible.

-Oral IV Hydration Shots- These little 2oz shots are 100% structured water that helps your body absorb the water you drink more efficiently. It’s my favorite travel hack, and a must for IV’s and blood draws!

-Viva Oil CBD- CBD is all the rage these days, and my top recommended brands is Viva. If you want to learn more about CBD and the benefits that is can have on everything from sleep to anxiety, you can check out this post! Save 10% with code wholedailylife.

-Let’s Get Checked- This is more of a practical gift than a fun one, but knowing your thyroid numbers (especially if you have Hashimoto’s or hypothyroidism) is important! This test covers all of the important markers and can be done from the comfort of your home! Save 20% with code WDL.

For the foodie:

-Hamama Greens Microgreens Kit- If you don’t have the time or space for a garden, these grow kits are an extremely easy and affordable way to increase the nutrient density in your diet! You seriously can’t mess them up, and the flavorful greens go with pretty much everything! Save 10% with code wholedailylife.

-Hot Logic Mini Portable Warmer- This handy appliance has been a lifesaver over my years of working in an office. Just plug it in, add your Pyrex dish of food, and your meal is hot in an hour! Even though I work from home now, I still use this daily as an easy alternative to a microwave.

-Pique Tea Matcha- It’s no secret that I LOVE my morning matcha, and Pique tea is by far my favorite. It’s organic, quadruple screened for toxins, and the flavor is top notch. Pique doesn’t do sales often, so follow the link and use code HOLIDAY10 to save 10%!

-Virginia Boys Kitchen Non-toxic Walnut Cutting Board- A piece that is equally beautiful and functional! (Don’t forget the seasoning oil!)

-Instant Pot- I’m actually considering getting a second one this year! My Instant Pot has been a lifesaver when it comes to efficiency cooking and meal prep. Spaghetti squash in 7 minutes? Yes please!

-Cuisinart Food Processor- Another kitchen tool that I use weekly at minimum, my food processor has been a hard working member of my kitchen for 8 years now. I use it for everything from slicing and chopping to blending and acai bowls.

-Silpat Nonstick Baking Mats- I grew up with these and have never stopped using them! A reusable alternative to parchment, they’re perfect for roasting veggies, baking potatoes, and of course, the usual holiday sweets and treats. (I use them out of the oven too, for things like freezing slices of banana or steamed veggies for smoothies!)

-Milk Frother- The perfect accompaniment to matcha, this handy tool would make a great stocking stuffer. I use mine daily!

-Organifi GOLD- Organifi products are PACKED with functional ingredients like herbs, spices, and medicinal mushrooms. I love them all, but the GOLD is my favorite. In short, it’s an amped up golden milk taht tastes delicious! Use code wholedailylife for 15% off anytime, but they’re doing 20% off on Black Friday and free shipping on Cyber Monday!

-Wild Zora AIP Holiday Sampler Box- I love Wild Zora products, not only for their quality and flavor, but also for what they are doing in the AIP community by making high quality convenience food (bars, soups, dehydrated meals) available on the go! This sampler box includes their 2 AIP compliant meals, bars, teas, AND some brand new soups that haven’t even been released yet! It’s a $70 value for $50, and is a great gift for adventurers and homebodies alike. For any other products, save 15% with the code wholedailylife15!

I hope you found this list helpful, and if there’s something that you’ve been loving lately too, I’d love to hear about it in the comments!

Until next time,
